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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Our Mission

At Restoring Lives Bible Fellowship is to be a church where the lives of men, women and children will be  transformed into devoted followers of Christ.

Our Vision

The vision of Restoring Lives Bible Fellowship Church is to restore the lives of both the believer  (the spiritually injured) and non believers (the man that does not know Christ), to bring them into the awareness of God’s unfailing love; accomplished through the following:      

Restoring Lives Bible Fellowship Church Group Photo

Our Purpose

The purpose of Restoring Lives Bible Fellowship Church is to unify  Christians by worshiping and serving together for the up building of God's Kingdom; by striving  to be a church where lives will be transformed through the  immutable unabated  power of God. We shall fulfill this calling through Christian evangelism, outreach and education.


We will encourage spiritual  growth, by allowing individuals to increase faith and  love, through proclamation of the gospel by word and deed, in the name   of Jesus Christ. Believers will receive spiritual guidance and encouragement, to empower them for spiritual success, spiritual growth   and unity. Lost souls will be introduced to Christ through the    Word of God to receive Him, as stated in Romans 10:9.  

Both believers and non-believers will be transformed into devoted followers of Christ; all by showing the love of God in every   aspect of ministry and ensuring the needs of the whole man is met, through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (2   Corinthians 5:17).    Restoring Lives Bible Fellowship Church, serves the community of Garland, Texas and the surrounding areas of     Dallas County. We will share the Word of God with everyone we come in contact with, so that all will have the opportunity to   experience this great life called Christianity.

Meet Our Staff

~The Word of God (Deuteronomy 22:2)
   ~The Love of God (John 3:16)
    ~The Love of Mankind (1 John 4:7)
    Motto: "Restoring Lives One Soul AT A Time"

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